If singing is your passion, this might be the choir for you!
High Spirits sings an eclectic, uplifting and sometimes demanding repertoire from gospel to classical to jazz, songs in other languages and poly rhythms.
We perform at concerts, festivals, and nursing homes, bringing delight to our audiences. Reading music is an asset; a good ear and strong choral experience a must.
High Spirits Choir is based in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia.
Raffle to support High Spirits Choir and the BC Choral Federation
This annual fundraiser helps support High Spirits and other participating choirs to pay professional fees and buy music or equipment. A portion of the proceeds also helps the BCCF to continue its events, programs, and advocacy initiatives.
Tickets $5.00 each, or five tickets for $20.00
Click here to buy your tickets online
Purchase tickets before midnight April 26th, draw to be held May 7th
BC Gaming Licence #129608
Tickets may be sold and purchased only in British Columbia.
Ticket purchasers must be 19 years of age or older